Central Highlands of India

A belt of hilly country bordered on the west by the Aravali range and on the east by the Vindhyan scarps is known as the Central Highland

Its southern limit is the rift valley of Narmada

One half of the Madhya Pradesh,one third of Rajasthan and a small part of Uttar Pradesh are included in the highlands

The whole region is forested and is inhibited mostly by the Gonds, Santhals, Oraons and Bhills

It contain the Aravali range, Bundelkhand Uplands, the Vindhyan range and the Narmada valley

East of the Aravalli range is the Rajasthan  uplands drained mainly by the Chambal and Banas

East of the Chambal, the land is rocky and is densely forested, it is known as the Madhya Bharat Parthar

The Bundelkhand uplands lies between Yamunaand the Vindhyan scarp lands

Between Madhya Bharat Parthar and the Vindhyan range lies an extensive lava plateau known as the Malwa which is covered with the black soil


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